Tō tātou kaupapa
How We Support

At the heart of the Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay story is anthroposophy, our special character.

Our work is about the people, the planet, and the spiritual essence of all things, underpinned by a commitment to add value for the greater good.
Our vision is ‘every life fully lived’, and our mission, inspired by anthroposophy, is ‘to celebrate the diverse ways of being human’.
In New Zealand there is an emerging approach known as Enabling Good Lives which is about making it easier for disabled people and their families to create good lives for themselves.
At Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay we have embraced the principles of Enabling Good Lives. These are integrated into who we are as an organisation and underpin our way of life and our approach to supporting people.
We partner with individuals and support them on their journey. Together we envision what that looks like for them and their whānau and tailor the supports. Our processes are person centred and focus on the kind of life they want to live, their goals, support requirements, interests, and where they want to live and who they want to be surrounded by. Our system supports innovation and can adapt to meet people needs with great creativity and care.
Take a look at the enabling good lives 8 Principles