Tō mātou kainga
Our Homes

Our home is where our heart is.
We offer a wide range of housing options, always encouraging strong connections with friends and family while keeping socially active and doing the things that each person likes and wants to do.
We have homes in the Napier and Taradale community, as well as on our pristine biodynamics farms for those who want to be connected with the land and nature. In these homes, everyone has their own personal bedroom, takes part in the running of the home and makes decisions with others about what happens there.
Our support is individualised and based on what people want and need.
Each person is given the level of support they need, including support with personal care, preparing meals, support with education and health care needs.
We provide individualised support to live an active life in the community, to go for walks, cafes, movies, sport events, concerts and to spend quality time with whānau and friends. We also organise special holidays and much more.

“Our homelife is very important, it is our safe place where we are nurtured to grow and develop. It is where we celebrate life. During difficult times my home is my safe place to reflect, recover, and find refuge to overcome any challenges. We offer diversified supports so everyone can have a comfortable living situation where strong and meaningful relationships are possible.”
Julia Sobkowiak - Director of Services, Hōhepa Hawke's Bay
More ways we support our community